+1 646 291 5651


You want your business to stay ahead in the digital economy, and we have the legal talent in the technology space to help you make the difference.

Wealth Harbor Management LLC is a highly-regarded Technology Law Firm. We embrace innovation in your business and drive new value for your organization.

Master Service Agreements for Software Developers and Statement of works, Vendor Agreements and SaaS Contracts.

We represent clients in all technology related contracts and transactions. We are well-versed the in intellectual property components of these deals. Our clients range from fast-growing, funded start-ups to Fortune 100 companies in a wide range of industries, including consulting, SaaS, and online platforms, social media and apps. When it come to understanding technology law, few attorneys have a particular focus in this field. Wealth Harbor Management LLC structures and fiercely negotiates technology deals every day.

Terms Of Service (Tos) And Privacy Policies

Mobile apps and other software require the platforms and app providers to display Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Policies (PP). For apps, online platforms, and software companies, Wealth Harbor Management LLC can provide quick turnarounds and high-touch service.

  • Terms of Service Agreements (ToS), also known as Terms of Use Agreements
  • Privacy Policies

A Social Networking Company has a different model from a SaaS company or an ecommerce platform. Each of these models needs terms of service and privacy policies that reflect their specific products and services. Terms of Service and Privacy Policies drafted without specific customization leave you open to liabilities. Mitigate your exposure to risk by hiring competent legal counsel.

Software Developer | Software Development Agreements

You know you need a detailed legal analysis software development agreements, especially those software agreements with large companies or international developers. Software developer agreements need to have

  • representations and warranties
  • ownership of the intellection property
  • acceptance of each development phase
  • remedies for delivering non-conforming work product
  • detailed Statements of Work (SOW) accompanying master service agreements